Puppet Show / Puppenspiel

Susanne Kellermann
Susanne Kellermann mit Tagträumer Filmproduktion (Co-Founder)
Thomas Groß
Katja Benrath

Film Story

A young women wanders through a nursery, deep in thought. A young girl plays with an – at first – innocent puppet show. Then a manly figure appears and the idyllic scene is upended in a thick web of disastrous expectations and ominous associations. Dramaturgy, installation and music build up tension and a certain irritation in this cinematic conflict about child molestation. Thankfully, the film does not engage in a striking story, clichés or simple solutions. Instead, with its ambivalence and implication it offers plenty of (emotional) toeholds for discussion about dealing with experienced violence. An exceptional achievement with long resonance.


“This film is truly a masterful portrayal about the effects of child abuse on a person.
The cinematography is stunning.
Puppenspiel is a heavy and meaningful triumph.”

Jury of the European Independent Film Festival (Paris 2011)


“A young women wanders through a nursery, deep in thought. A young girl plays – at first – innocently with her baby doll. Then a manly figure appears and the idyllic scene is upended in a thick web of disastrous expectations and ominous associations. Cinematography, montage and music build up tension and a certain irritation in this cinematic conflict about child molestation. Thankfully, the film does not engage in a striking story, clichés or simple solutions. Instead, with its ambivalence and implication it offers plenty of (emotional) toeholds for discussion about dealing with experienced violence. An exceptional achievement with long resonance.”

FBW Filmbewertungsstelle


“We look into the soul of an abused child and witness the grown woman’s realisation in an unconventional way.
The child shows us how it deals with its situation – rape by her father, who demands secrecy, thereby condemning her to speech- and helplessness. She confides in the only person who cannot give away her secret: her doll.
As a grown woman, she has suppressed the memory, cannot remember, and lives her life accompanied by an elusive suspicion. This suspicion triggers a search, and the search leads her to her childhood home.”

Director`s Statement


Awards | Festival Selection and TV Screenings

„Puppenspiel“ (Produktion | Regie | Kamera)

  • Prädikat „Besonders Wertvoll“
  • „Best Director“ European Independant Film Festival Paris ECU 2011
  • „Best Short Film“ Royal Reel Award I Canada International Film Festival
  • gesendet auf Canal+, ARTE

Weitere Festival Official Selections „Puppenspiel“:

September 2011

Naperville | Independent Film Festival | Official Selection

July 2011

Seoul | International Youth Film Festival | Official Selection

June 2011

New York | The Bronx International Film Festival | Official Selection

Teaneck | Hoboken International Film Festival | Official Selection

April 2011

Paris | ÈCU Independent International Film Festival | Award: Best Director

“This Film is truly a masterful portrayal of the effects of child abuse on a person.
The cinematography is stunning. Puppenspiel is a heavy and meaningful triumph.”

Jury of ECU European Independent Film Festival

Vancouver | Canada International Film Festival CIFF | Award: Royal Reel Award


Durch das ÈCU Festival in Paris wurde er noch auf folgenden Partner-Festivals gezeigt:

  • Bucharest, Romania, at an event ÉCU is organizing together with East European Film Alliance- a retrospective from the past 6 years.
  • OPEN CINEMA- International Short and Animation Film Festival, taking place in *St.Petersburg, Russia from August 20-28th
  • Lucca Film Festival
  • Festival Internacional De Cine Independiente De Villa De Leyva
  • Euro Film Festival, taking place 23-26 November in Marbella Spain
  • The Teen International Shorts Festival in Istanbul
  • First International Short Film Festival (Fools’ Paradise), Chandigarh, India
  • International Children’s Film Festival Bangladesh (January 21 to 27, 2012)


Begründung Prädikat Besonders Wertvoll (Download)
Psychological Statement (PDF)